You don't need an Adyen account in order to use ChargebackStop. We work with all processors and an Adyen integration is not required.
Before you begin…
We are aware of the fact that this integration guide is quite long. We are happy to run this integration for you in your Adyen account.
The ChargebackStop team can perform this integration process for you. See details below.
To have ChargebackStop team perform the integration process for you, please add our Client Services account ( as a user to your Adyen account.
Make sure to include the following permissions.
Company account and all associated merchant accounts
Leave the default setup as is, plus add the following roles:
Merchant report
Manage API credentials
Merchant technical integrator
Once that's done please let us know, and we'll pick it up from there! That's all you need to do.
Integrating Adyen Manually
In order to integrate ChargebackStop and Adyen, you'll need to perform a few actions in your Adyen account.
If you want to keep track of your progress as you work through all these steps, you can use the checklist at the bottom of this page.
If you encounter any issues at any point of the process, please contact our support at
If you prefer to perform the integration steps manually, please follow this guide.
ChargebackStop team can perform this integration for you. Please see the section above.
Automatic reports generation
ChargebackStop integration with Adyen relies on two types of reports being automatically generated by Adyen every day:
Payment accounting
Received payment details
Before you begin, please open your Adyen dashboard.
Click "Reports" in left-hand menu.
Select "All" tab underneath the search input.
Type "Payment accounting" in the search input.
Click "Payment accounting" report title in the list.
Here's where you need to click in each of the steps above:
Once you are inside of the "Payment accounting" report, please do the following:
Click "Manage report".
In the dropdown menu, click "Automatic (generate on a schedule)".
In the pop-up window that opens, switch the "Automatic generation" toggle to "On".
Once that's done, repeat the same steps for the "Received payment details" report.
Additional fields in "Payment accounting" report
Before you begin, please open your Adyen dashboard.
Click "Reports" in left-hand menu.
Select "All" tab underneath the search input.
Type "Payment accounting" in the search input.
Click "Payment accounting" report title in the list.
Here's where you need to click in each of the steps above:
Once the report page opens, click on the "Column configuration" tab underneath the main headline.
In the list, please make sure that the following columns are enabled:
Company Account
Merchant Account
Psp Reference
Record Type
Main Amount
Main Currency
Creation Date (AMS)
In most cases, only the last two columns will need to be enabled. You can add more columns to your reports if you need them for other purposes, ChargebackStop will ignore any data that is not required by us. Ordering of the column does not matter for ChargebackStop.
Once you made sure all the columns from the list above are enabled, please save the changes by clicking the "Save configuration" button at the bottom of the page.
Make sure to familiarise yourself with the contents of the popup window displayed, and confirm it with "OK" button once you've made sure the change won't break any workflows in your organisation.
Create web service user API credential
Next step is to create an API credential web service user that will be used by ChargebackStop to perform operations in your account.
Firstly, make sure you are in your Adyen company account context, not merchant account context.
Once you're confident you're within company account context, you can proceed to create web service user API credential by following these steps:
Click "Developers" in the left-hand menu.
In the list that opens, select "API credentials".
Click the blue button in the top right that says "Create new credential".
In the pop-up window that opens, select the following:
Make sure that "Web service user" credential type is selected.
You can optionally add a description to make it easier to identify the API credential later on, e.g. "ChargebackStop integration".
Click the blue "Create credential" button in the bottom right corner of the window.
In the next screen, you will see your new key details. Firstly, please copy the API key and store it in a secure spot. You will use it later on when creating your ChargebackStop integration.
You won't be able to see this key again. Make sure you store it somewhere safe temporarily as you'll need it in the next steps!
Next, please scroll down to the "Permissions" section below. In the "Roles" block, please make sure that the following checkboxes are selected:
Management API - Accounts read and write
Management API - API credentials read and write
Management API - Webhooks read and write
Checkout webservice role
Once that's verified, you can finalise API credential creation using the blue "Save changes" button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Create reports service user API credential
The process for creating reports service user is similar.
Firstly, make sure you are in your Adyen company account context, not merchant account context.
Once you're confident you're within company account context, you can proceed to create web service user API credential by following these steps:
Click "Developers" in the left-hand menu
In the list that opens, select "API credentials"
Click the blue button in the top right that says "Create new credential"
In the pop-up window that opens, select the following:
Make sure that "Report service user" credential type is selected.
This is the first step that's different from the web service user API credential creation.
You can optionally add a description to make it easier to identify the API credential later on, e.g. "ChargebackStop integration".
Click the blue "Create credential" button in the bottom right corner of the window.
In the next screen, you will see your new key details.
Please copy the API key and store it in a secure spot. You will use it later on when creating your ChargebackStop integration.
Finalise API credential creation using the blue "Save changes" button in the bottom right corner of the page.
You won't be able to see this key again. Make sure you store it somewhere safe temporarily as you'll need it in the next steps!
You are now ready to create the integration in ChargebackStop dashboard!
Connecting ChargebackStop to your Adyen account
The first step is to open integration settings page in ChargebackStop.
Next, click on the black "Add provider" button. In the dropdown list, select "Adyen".
If this is the first integration in your ChargebackStop organisation, you'll need to click "Add your first integration" button in the middle of the page instead.
Once the pop-up window opens, enter the required data into respective fields.
Company and merchant account names can be found in dropdown menu in the top left corner of Adyen dashboard. Web service user API key and report service user API key are the keys we generated in previous part of this tutorial.
In order to save and enable the integration, press the black "Add integration" button at the bottom of the pop-up window.
ChargebackStop platform will now do the following:
Verify your web service user API key.
Verify your reports service user API key.
Set up required webhooks in your Adyen account.
If all of the above succeed, you'll see a "Successfully connected to Adyen" message above the integrations list and a green "Enabled" badge next to the integration.
Final checklist
In order to keep track of your ChargebackStop - Adyen integration progress, you can use this handy checklist.
Last updated
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