Merchant Category Code Lookup

Merchant Category Code (MCC) Lookup helps businesses classify their transactions correctly according to industry standards. This tool ensures that merchants are assigned the right MCC for their business, which can affect chargeback rates and eligibility for certain dispute programs.

A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number that classifies a business's type of goods or services. MCCs are used in banking for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Tax reporting: MCCs were originally developed for tax reporting

  • Calculating rewards: MCCs are used to calculate cash back rewards and credit card points

  • Transaction risk: MCCs help calculate the risk of a transaction, which can affect whether it's approved or declined

  • Payment processing fees: MCCs can affect how much a merchant pays to accept credit or debit cards. Businesses that are considered higher risk may have to pay more or have a harder time finding payment networks

  • Cardholder spending data: MCCs help gather data to understand cardholders' spending

Here are some examples of MCCs:

  • 0001–1499: Agricultural services

  • 1500–2999: Contracted services

  • 4000–4799: Transportation services

  • 4800–4999: Utility services

  • 5000–5599: Retail outlet services

  • 5600–5699: Clothing stores

  • 5700–7299: Miscellaneous stores

  • 7300–7999: Business services

  • 8000–8999: Professional services and membership organisations

  • 9000–9999: Government services

Card brands manage MCCs, and acquirers assign them when a merchant account is created. However, merchants can be classified under multiple MCCs if acquirers have different categorisation processes. Misclassification can result in fines from card schemes.

See here

Last updated

ChargebackStop is a trading style of Jade Technologies Limited (company number: 15043871). Registered at 7 Bell Yard, London, England, WC2A 2JR.